
More Information

Feel free to email your name, station(s), city, and state for more information. We'll be happy to answer any questions. We won't hassle you with endless phone calls (we never do pressured sales); however, if you'd like to have a phone conversation - we would love to hear from you!

How Our Announcers Keep Your Weather Up To Date

Most stations run software in the same computer they use for on-air or production. It can run on any Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7 (SP1) computer in your station that has an always-on Internet connection. Stations that have Internet access in their on-air studio can run it there. Others run it on an ordinary office PC connected to their on-air studio.

Your voices have pre-recorded virtually every possible weather forecast, time and temperature. Each voice uses up to 5 GB of hard drive space. Then our software picks the right phrases based on forecasts from Internet weather sources. All recordings are CD-quality uncompressed stereo WAVE files from high quality studios. We never use low quality mp3 or telephone audio.

Click here to hear samples.

The finished 'cast overwrites an older version on the hard drive every time the temperature or forecast changes. Our technology means no wiring is needed and there's no equipment to buy. Your weather airs through the same digital system and sound card as your commercials, so your sound is consistent. With most automation systems, your jingle or music bed can be added if desired. Your digital system handles all playback, commercial insertions, sponsorship credits and logging the same way your station handles spots and everything else. There's no extra work needed for weather sponsors.

Another benefit of is that each of your stations can follow its own policy, have different lengths, content guidelines and air weather with different voices concurrently on every station in your cluster. Several times each hour, and again seconds before every scheduled forecast, our software updates your current conditions from National Weather Service or one of several other weather data services.

Make Extra Money From Weather Sponsors

Our voices make your weathercasts attention-getting vehicles to sell sponsorships at premium rates and long-term contracts.

Many stations generate new revenue by selling weather packages of current temperatures at advertiser locations. Each 'cast can pick a few locations from participating sponsors. For example, your weather might end with "Now it's 74 at Northtown Food Market, 72 at Westway Ford and 73 here at WXXX".

uaw is secure

Worry-Free Connection only pulls content from secure NWS or one of several selections of weather services. Additionally, the product is remotely monitored for system health and/or support related purposes - striving each and every day to be as unattended as possible (from your point of view).

Our service has several advantages over distant providers because the audio is generated on the same computer that's recording all your production. Of course, the XML data feed can be read just as well with dial-up Internet or something faster, so our system works for clients who don't have broadband available (such as some transmitter sites).

Setup is 99% automatic. Our knowledgeable tech support people remotely do the other 1% of setup for you.